Steal Like an Artist

by Esfand Khoram

Are you struggling to unlock your creativity? I personally don’t think you can stimulate creativity by following a number of rules, but there are lots of people who seem to think it works. Austin Kleon‘s new book, Steal Like an Artist, offers advice of this nature to people in search of creativity. The cheat sheet is below:

Kleon writes in the introduction:

These are things I’ve learned over almost a decade of trying to figure out how to make art, but a funny thing happened when I started sharing them with others — I realized that they aren’t just for artists. They’re for everyone.

These ideas are for everyone who’s trying to inject some creativity into their life and their work. (That should describe all of us.)

You can also watch the trailer of the book in the video below or visit the website and for what it’s worth the book looks really nice, check out the Flickr set of the book for more photos.